January 16th, 2006 at 10:51 pm
I'm going out for coffee with a friend tonight. My kids call it 'a date'. Cute. Dh doesn't 'do' the coffee thing. He says he doesn't understand how people can just sit around, drink coffee, and talk. Well, he's a guy who rarely just sits and does nothing...and he's not big on chit chat, either. Anyways, I'm looking forward to my mocha valencia!
We had a busy weekend at work. I didn't spend any money, but will be grocery shopping later today after I take dd to gymnastics. We're out of a lot of stuff and I hope I don't spend too much there. I do have a $50 gift certificate that Dh got from his work for Christmas, so I'll be using that up too. I haven't done a really big shop yet this month but have managed to go through my grocery envelope pretty well!
Posted in
January 13th, 2006 at 09:55 pm
In the lower mainland, we are on our 26th straight day of rain. The record is 29 days. We are all going to be so proud to beat that record...
The battery post on the van was loose and that's why it wouldn't start. Dh did get it going yesterday so I could get to the repair shop. Sorry Mr. Tow Truck. Our mechanic is a good friend of ours. He gave me heck because my windshield wipers were so worn out. I guess these 26 days of rain used all the shield up! The total for that bill, including new wipers and an tune up was $200.
We went grocery shopping this morning and picked up a few things. All three kids have been invited to parties this weekend so we needed a couple of gifts there, and then we went to Zellers and spent $50 on a birthday gift for ds11. He'd asked for this gift for Christmas, didn't get it, and still really wanted it. Hopefully it's money well spent!
Posted in
January 12th, 2006 at 04:59 pm
I left work at 11:00 last night, got in my car, put in the key, and...NOTHING!
One of the security guards charged it for me, I got home fine, but it died in my driveway. I don't know if it's the alternator or the battery, but I'm guessing this will be a good chunk of change for the repair shop! I'm concentrating on being thankful that
1) I was in a safe place when it happened with people who could help me.
2) The money is in the savings account to pay for it. I hate using the savings money, but I'm reminding myself that's what it's there for!
Now we just have to figure out how if it can be charged up enough to get to the repair shop. Otherwise, the towing company will be coming for a visit.
Posted in
January 11th, 2006 at 04:15 am
Dh got up with the kids this morning and took them to school while I lolled in bed with a coffee and the t.v. I had a very slow moving day, washed the floor, changed the sheets, did laundry and puttered around. We went to the grocery store for a few items and found ds5's birthday gift on sale. Well, it's the gift he'll be getting in March for his 6th birthday.
Things I did to save money today:
1) Washed the laundry in cold water with homemade detergent.
2) Didn't cave and buy anything off the list at the grocery store, other than ds's birthday gift, which I would have bought anyway, but paid more for.
3) I convinced Dh to go home for a cup of tea with me instead of buying it when we were out.
4) Ate leftover soup for lunch.
Not much, but better than nothing. We have some cooked steaks in the freezer. I took one out and will make a stew in the crockpot tomorrow. I work at 4:00, so it's the perfect meal to take with me, and everyone at home will like it and eat it--or else!
Posted in
January 10th, 2006 at 02:44 am
Pulled a fast one over on the kids. We make a delicious soup called 'Three Sisters Soup'. It has potato, corn, green beans, and butternut squash in it. The kids hate it but I still make it because Dh and I really like it. Well, we haven't had it in about a year, so when I made it for dinner tonight, I told them we were having 'Yum-Yum soup'. Two out of the three of them ate it and enjoyed it...one even asked for it to go in his thermos for lunch at school tomorrow! I gave sly looks to Dh all through dinner tonight--wanted to make sure the truth didn't leak out!
I had a good day at work today. It made up for yesterday's long and trying day! I love Mondays at work because I have the office to myself and generally everyone else's offices are empty, so I'm not being interrupted by other managers or supervisors. I tend to get a lot done...
I have tomorrow off and have no plans, which is nice. I think I might wander over to Michael's Craft Store and see if I can find any ideas of something to create to try and sell for my $20.00 challenge.
Posted in
January 7th, 2006 at 03:36 pm
Today is going to be one lazy day! The only thing I am leaving the house for is to buy bread and fill the van up with gas. When I was driving home from work yesterday the empty gasoline sign came on...never a good sign when you're alone on the road at 1:00am without an open gas station around for I don't know how far!
We went to the library Thursday night so I'm all stocked up on books...we have lots of food to munch on...and it's pouring rain...the boys are off to the hockey game (tickets for Christmas)...all lead to a stellar pyjama day!
I went to Ikea with my friend yesterday. She drove and it was her turn to buy lunch. I only spent 11.00 and that was to buy four great candle sets (for gifts). They were on a huge sale. My friend was shocked that was all I bought, and kept asking what was wrong with me. I told her I'd been hit with a frugal bug...
Things I did to save money:
1) Refrained from buying at Ikea!!!
2) Had coffee and breakfast at home.
3) Brought fruit with me to work to snack on. I didn't buy anything there.
4) Kept the heat off during the day.
Posted in
January 7th, 2006 at 08:00 am
I went to fill up on gas and got a rebate of $4.51.
Total: $51.91
Posted in
$20 Challenge
January 6th, 2006 at 02:00 am
We loved the homemade sauce...got the recipe from the Hillbilly Housewife site. It was really good and everyone had seconds except ds5 who had thirds...he doesn't usually eat past with sauce. I will definately be using this recipe from now on--no more jarred for us!
Our financial advisor came over today to help us figure out what to do with the mortgage that's coming due in March. I have to phone the bank tomorrow and see what rate they'll give us on a one year closed. Then next year we'll add the two together when both terms are up. That'll be easier.
We are also going to change our life insurance around a little bit. He's looking into prices for us, but we'll save about $20.00 per month on a ten year term by switching. We both have insurance through our jobs as well.
We're going to re-do our will this month. The problem for us is deciding who should get guardianship of the kids if we both die before they come of age. I want to go with a couple that we're really good friends with who our kids love, and who parent the same as us. Dh is leaning towards a family member because 'it's family'. I don't know. I think I'll post a thread on this...
Posted in
January 5th, 2006 at 08:10 am
I am exhausted! I mostly puttered around the house today. Ds5 had a friend over after school. I went to work from 4:00-11:00 and got quite a bit done there, but am still waaaay behind! One day I might catch up, but I'm not betting on it!
It was a no spend day today. I walked the kids to school in the morning, walked back to get ds and his friend from kindergarten, and then walked back again to pick up the other two after they finished school. I'm trying to walk more, partly to save on gasoline consumption and partly for the exercise!
I hung up a load of laundry, froze some more leftover treats, and kept the heat off. Tomorrow I am going to try my first attempt at making pasta sauce from tomato paste. This is better for DH because he can't have anything with seeds in it and most sauces that I buy have chunks of tomatoes in them, seeds and all...hopefully, the sauce tastes good and everyone likes it because I bought 12 cans of tomato paste when they were on sale in December. I do have to buy some garlic tomorrow to add flavour to the sauce. I have tons of pasta from when I stocked up earlier this week. We have some cheese in the fridge that needs to be used up sooner rather than later, so that will go on top. I'm adding vegies to the pasta dish and it will be a meat free meal. I am cleaning out the freezer and the fridge before I do a major shop--should take a week or so to use up most of what's in there...our pantry seems pretty full at the moment.
Dh is getting a $50 gift card to Superstore from his work. I'm thinking about using it to stock up on canned goods etc. Dh is thinking about using it to buy the treats that I never want to pay for. I'm thinking that we've had enough junk food the last few weeks to last us until next Christmas. Hmmm, anyone want to take bets on who will win this round? My vote is for the person who does all the grocery shopping, and that would be ME!!!
Posted in
January 4th, 2006 at 02:30 pm
Wow! I just noticed that this would be my 100th journal entry...
Today will be an at home, no spend day. I go to work at 4:00, but will take some beef barley soup with me as that's what everyone is eating at home for dinner tonight. We still have some buns leftover from last week, and salad will round up the meal.
Tomorrow our financial planner is coming over to give us some options on our mortgage renewal. I'm not happy with the bank that currently holds our mortgage. I find them to be uncaring and not really on the ball. When we moved 5 years ago, we bought a more expensive house, ported the mortgage we already had and got a second mortgage for the difference. The mortgage that we ported is now due and we owe about 30,000 on it. I don't know if we're going to switch banks or not, but at this point I'm willing to go wherever the lowest interest rate is. We are probably going to use some of the money in our savings account to pay it down as well. This is what DH would like to do with it...he's big on just paying off the house. That is his main financial goal!
Posted in
January 3rd, 2006 at 10:31 pm
Dh and I had a nice, relaxing day together. I think I'm going to like our new work schedules!
Things I did to save money today:
1) Used gift cards for my Starbucks coffee.
2) Didn't buy anything at the bookstore...just browsed.
3) Put all the leftover treats into the freezer for later consumption.
4) Went to the fruit and veggie store instead of the grocery store...spent under 20 dollars for 3 bags!
5) We are having leftover hot dogs for dinner with beans I bought on sale.
6) Dh and I are using up the leftover beef in the fridge and making a beef barley vegetable soup for tomorrow's dinner.
Posted in
January 2nd, 2006 at 02:55 pm
I had quite the talk with my boss yesterday and she has agreed to cut my hours down to approx. 30 per week. She said that she would do whatever it took to keep me happy because she's afraid I'll quit...I told her that I wasn't threatening to quit, I just didn't want to work as much as I have been. She understood, let me rearrange my hours to suit me and told me to change my hours around if these weren't working for my family and me. I now will be working Wednesday and Friday evenings from 4:00-12:00, and Sunday and Monday during the day. On Mondays I often only work 9:00-2:00 because I pick the kids up after school, but with Dh only working part time from home, and with a totally flexible schedule, I could stay longer if needed. We will see how this all pans out...
Things I will do to save money today:
1) Eat breakfast at home and bring lunch to work.
2) Use up the leftovers in the fridge for dinner.
3) Freeze all leftover Christmas baked goods.
4) Hang a load of laundry to dry.
5) Return all cans and bottles and add money to my 2006 $5000 challenge.
Posted in
January 2nd, 2006 at 08:00 am
Dh took all our bottles and cans to the recycling depot today and was given $10.40! We put it all in our challenge envelope!
Total: $47.40
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$20 Challenge
January 1st, 2006 at 08:00 am
I was given a New Year's scratch and win...won $2.00...I might be able to do my whole challenge on scratch and wins! LOL!
Total: $32.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
January 1st, 2006 at 08:00 am
I was given $5.00 by a customer today to buy a drink...I decided to pass on the drink and add to the stash!
Total: $37.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
December 31st, 2005 at 04:07 pm
I love a new year!
I'm working today and tomorrow. When I get home tonight we're having some family and friends over. We provide all the fixings, appetizers, and side dishes, and everyone brings their own main course...usually seafood and steaks. Dh will get the barbeque up and running and feed the kids before everyone arrives, and then they go watch videos and play air hockey, games, read etc. until the adults finish dinner and cards. We start the dancing around 11:00, and, hopefully, everyone goes home at 12:15! Just kidding, but I can always hope!
My goals for 2006:
1) To go for a walk at least 3 times a week with Dh.
2) To cut my hours at work down to 30.
3) To eat 5 fruits/vegetables every day.
4) To participate in the $5000 challenge.
5) To increase our net worth by 10% by: continuing to take advantage of our pension plans at work
continuing to add to our RRSP every month
adding extra money into our mortgage
not dipping into savings for monthly expenditures
adding all extra, unexpected money into our savings account
6) Figure out where to put the extra money that is sitting in the savings account.
7) To have friends over at least once a month. We have tons of great friends that we've known for ages, and we usually see them once or twice a year. I would like to increase this and rediscover some of those friendships.
I'll add anything else that I think of as the week goes on!
Posted in
December 30th, 2005 at 08:00 am
I am so excited to get this started!
I started with $20.00 and added $10.00 from a scratch and win ticket that I got for Christmas.
Total: $30.00
Posted in
$20 Challenge
December 29th, 2005 at 08:24 pm
Dh got a letter today from his old job (he left there in the spring after working there for 15 years) explaining that they are sending him a $1200.00 cheque because when the insurance company they were all paying into was bought out in 1997, there was a huge amount of money that was never handed over to the new company. Now, all the businesses that had their plans there are entitled to a share, and that is subdivided into all the employees that worked there between 1993 and 1997. Wow! How great is that? I LOVE unexpected money!
We had our niece and nephews sleep over last night. It's 1:00 in the afternoon and they're all still here...6 kids between ages 5 and 11...it's loud, and the Christmas season is catching up to them...they'll be going home soon (before the fighting starts) and then we're going to have a quiet afternoon and evening. I planned on going to the cheap movies, but there's nothing playing that anyone wants to see, so we'll hold off. The first run theatre near our house charges $12.00 for adults and $8.00 for kids. That would be 48 dollars for two hours (without snacks!).
Posted in
December 28th, 2005 at 08:08 pm
I returned from Wal Mart. I bought 4 teacher gifts for next year (Christmas towel and oven mitt sets), 3 board games for 5 year old birthday parties, 2 board games for 12 year old birthday parties, 3 dvds for gifts, 2 thick front door mats with a snowmen on them, make-up (for moi), Christmas cards and Christmas napkins for next year. All told I spent $94.00. However, I used my gift card, so I only paid $69.00. The board games will come out of January's gift expenses, and all the Christmas items will come out of the Christmas account ($100.00 per month goes in there). I have a separate 'health and beauty' envelope and that will take care of the make-up.
Good thing I watched the till totals, too, or I would have paid $7.88 for each of the 4 teacher gifts instead of $3.94!
Posted in
December 28th, 2005 at 02:40 pm
Our open house went really well. We had over 50 people come (not all at the same time, thank goodness!), and just about everyone brought a little snack or something to drink, so we actually have some food left, and LOTS of alcohol. Maybe I'll start drinking...a little wine for breakfast...something to think about.
Today is a relaxer. I don't go back to work until Friday. We'll be going to my Mom's for dinner, the kids are having a cousin sleep over, and I'm planning on doing some shopping at Wal Mart to pick up Christmas cards, wrap, gifts etc. for next year. The house is tidy and I don't have to cook today because of all the leftovers. I took a Suze Orman dvd out of the library last week, so maybe I'll have time to watch that today, too.
Tomorrow I'm taking a friend to the hospital in the morning for some tests. That will probably take a few hours, but I didn't want her to go alone. I'll bring a book and read while I'm waiting for her. We're hoping to meet up with another friend of ours for dinner tomorrow night.
I won't be saving money today as I plan to go shopping, but I do have a $25.00 gift card that I received for Christmas and I will use it today at my Wal Mart shop. I also need to go to the bank and deposit the Christmas cheques that we got. They equal around $450.00. My mom always gives the kids each a magazine subscription and we get a cheque that we use towards a yearly membership (the zoo, aquarium, Science World) etc. The one we have now runs out in March, so the kids have a few months to decide where they'd like the membership to be to this year.
Posted in
December 27th, 2005 at 03:56 am
Happy holidays to everyone! We had a great Christmas at our house and a wonderful time with the family, extended and otherwise. Tomorrow is our big Open House and we always have a fun day. I'll be running off to Costco in the morning for some quick and easy snacks, the house is clean and will get a quick pick-me-up, and we'll be ready to go. I like to spend my time with our company and don't worry too much about whatever else is going on...plus, there's always an abundance of children around and it doesn't matter what the house looked like at the beginning of the party because it's always a mess after the first 15 minutes!
I've been working on setting some financial goals for 2006, which will include:
1) Topping our emergency fund up to be $10,000--this is an increase of $4000.
2) Bringing our mortgage down to $80,000 from 90,000.
3) Changing our life insurance so if anything happens to dh or I we will not HAVE to have outside employment.
4) Cutting my hours at work down to average 32 hours per week.
Dh is still pondering buying a new (or new to him) vehicle. I'm trying to convince him that if his car dies, we can manage with one vehicle. Mine is a 1996 Dodge Caravan in perfectly good condition, and since we usually work opposite hours, and are both working close to home, this should not be a problem. If, on the odd occasion, we really needed a second vehicle, I could always take a taxi to work, as it's only 7 minutes away.
We will be participating in the $20 to $5000 challenge, and I am enjoying plotting my game plan...
Posted in
December 22nd, 2005 at 08:19 pm
Yep, it's that time of the season...cleaning time. Actually, scrubbing time. From dusting to bathrooms, my house needs a good old fashioned scrub! Where is the maid? Oh, yeah, I don't have a maid...now I'm just stalling so I don't have to start.
Dh has gone out with his Dad for the day. They do this every year at Christmastime...shop, go for dinner, drink at fil's club, and then Dh stays overnight. It's nice for them, and nice for me because the kids are quite happy with eggs and toast for dinner. We'll have a popcorn and movie night and then early to bed for everyone...in freshly laundered sheets in tidy, vacuumed bedrooms. Sounds like I better get off here and get moving!
Posted in
December 21st, 2005 at 09:42 pm
Dd is still sick...up through the night. I'm glad that I didn't have to work today.
Took ds11 to do his banking and Christmas shopping today. We came home, had lunch, and went to the library. I took out some books on home businesses...hoping somewhere I'll get an idea on how to turn $20 into $5000!
I read somewhere on here about someone applying for a rebate that they wouldn't have done if they didn't use this site...it got me thinking. When I was born we lived in the U.S. and my grandparents gave me a Savings Bond, which at maturity would be worth $100. Well, I've had it for 39 years, went online last night, and found out that it's now worth just under $500 and was only interest bearing for 30 years, so for the last 9 it's been doing nada! It was just something that I had and never really thought about, but $500 isn't just crackerjack money. All I need to do now is figure out how to cash it in, and that will probably be the first entry in my challenge...I think this is on the up and up because I did post somewhere that I would be counting all money that came my way that wasn't given for a gift, or from our regular jobs. Oh, wait, it was given for a gift. Not this year, though. I'm counting it unless someone tells me I'm cheating!
Posted in
December 21st, 2005 at 03:41 am
My sweet little girl has the flu...she caught it from her best friend, whose house she slept over at two nights ago. Yuck! Poor kid. Hopefully, the boys don't catch it, and if they do, we'll just hope it's gone by Christmas Eve when the family is coming over to our house!
Work was soooo quiet today. I really wanted to come home early, but stayed for the duration and cleaned my in box. I was given two bottles of wine and a box of cookies for Christmas from some of our customers...very nice and unexpected.
Things I did to save money today:
1) Waited until I got home to eat since I didn't bring lunch.
2) Ate leftovers when I got home.
3) Made a chicken noodle soup for dinner from the leftover roast chicken we had Sunday and vegetables that were getting a tad limp in the fridge.
4) Set up a craft centre for dd5 from leftover craft supplies that we had at work and were going to be thrown out. This will keep him busy and happy for hours. Five year olds who like glue sticks, construction paper and ribbons are my favourites!
Posted in
December 20th, 2005 at 07:10 am
I went out shopping with my friend tonight and spent approximately $200.00. I still have money left in the Christmas account. This never happens and I could go into shock at any time! I am almost done with all my shopping. I still would like to get one thing for ds5 and a few little gifts for just in case. You know those just-in-case people who show up at your door with a gift when you weren't expecting it and then there's that awkward pause where you're supposed to go get their gift for them, but you can't because you didn't buy them anything? Yep, those just-in-case gifts...chocolates, wine, lottery tickets...all safe bets.
Oh, I also finished writing up the Christmas cards tonight. There's no way they'll get to anyone's house by Christmas, but they are done, so now I won't have a guilty feeling everytime I receive one. Is it my fault the postal service is soooo slow? I think not!
I worked today, and I work tomorrow (only until 2:30) and then I'm off until Friday. Friday should be extremely slow, and I plan on spending most of it in my office catching up on everything that I've been putting off doing for no better reason than I haven't felt like doing it. Since I have most of the next week off, I should at least put in an effort to have done what I should've finished last week.
Wednesday and Thursday we will clean up the house, wrap gifts, do some baking, and make our gingerbread house. I know this sounds ambitious, but I have trouble actually sitting still, so it should all get done. I would love to take the kids out both days and do something fun. I'm thinking skating, swimming, bowling, a movie...we'll see what mood we're in.
I still don't have goals set for 2006. This, and trying to think up ideas for the $20 challenge, is keeping my mind going constantly. I go to sleep thinking about it and wake up thinking about it. The only actual decision that I've made is that I think about money too much!
Posted in
December 17th, 2005 at 03:57 pm
I went shopping with my best friend yesterday, five year old in tow...big mistake. I found one thing that I needed for dd and that was it. I spent 60.00 on 3 gifts, 2 tablecloths and a whack of batteries. Then I spent 30 on lunch because it was my turn to buy. Oh, I also spent 7.00 on a breakfast bagel for ds that he then wouldn't eat, and a specialty coffee for me...a gingerbread latte...it was yummy! So $97.00 gone for not much. Now I still have to finish my shopping, but I will go by myself next week, at night, and no distractions. I will finish early in the week, have my wrapping done before Christmas eve, and be able to RELAX. I put pressure on myself to do up a wonderful Christmas, and I know that if I scaled down a bit, nobody would really notice (or care for that matter).
I am trying to think up goals for managing and saving money for 2006. I reached the ones that I set for this year, but am stuck on what I want to accomplish. There isn't any one thing that stands out. How is everyone else doing?
Posted in
December 16th, 2005 at 04:25 am
Let's start with the good. I went through the closet where I hide gifts and found a LOT of stuff that I'd purchased through the year and forgot about, so I actually have less to buy than I thought.
Teacher Gifts: Boxing day week last year, I bought snowmen plates, oven mitts and matching tea towels. I bought enough for 6 teachers assuming each child has two. Only dd has two teachers, but ds11's teacher is male so ds picked out a book that he though he' d enjoy. We gave one of the plate ensembles to the school librarian because we all love her. Each of these gifts totalled $2.50, except for the book which cost 19.00, but I had a 13.00 gift card that I used, so I paid $16.00 for 5 gifts.
While shopping, I picked up something for each of the 2 older kids that they both need and will be thrilled with. Total cost was 17.00.
Lunch out while shopping cost 12.00 for ds5 and I.
Tonight we went to buy all our holiday food for open houses. We also bought a Secret Santa gift for dh's work, a gift for a child for a giving tree, two pasta dinners for the food bank, and I started the gift for my boss. Altogether we spent 150.00 at Superstore but I used the $90 in points that I've accumulated over the year, so there was 60.00 out of my pocket.
My brother and I decided to buy each of the 5 cousins a gift certificate to a different store. So I got my nephews gifts today, too.
Tomorrow I am power shopping with my best friend. I've got my list and I am ready to go....
Posted in
December 15th, 2005 at 01:44 am
We're heading off shortly to ds5's Christmas concert at school. What is it about kindergarten that makes the kids at their cutest? I think it must have to do with their innocence while trying to be such independent 'big kids'! You gotta love 'em!
We had fun last night at Girls' Night. I really love my sils and adore my nieces...they are the best girls in the world (after my own darling daughter, who is not quite old enough to join us in the evening girl events because 11:30 is a little late on a school night!).
I didn't spend any money today. Lunch was provided at the long and boring workshop we had to attend for work. I can't believe I wasted a day doing that...didn't learn anything at all.
Tomorrow and Friday I'll be doing some mega Christmas shopping...I will be biting the bullet and hopefully finishing the loose ends that I've left. I still need some things for the kids and Dh. I know what I have to pick up for my nephews and my parents...aaah...I need to get something for my boss, too. I'm always on her to eat something so I think I might make her a gift basket to keep at work full of snack foods that she can munch on at her desk.
I'll post my totals spent tomorrow night...
Posted in
December 14th, 2005 at 03:32 am
I'm just heading over to sil's for girls' night. I'm going to pick up my nieces on the way and we're staying to watch the season finale of Amazing Race. I've hardly watched it all season, but I want to spend time with the girls. I have managerial training tomorrow...woohoo! I'm sure it will be a thrilling 5 hours!
Posted in
December 12th, 2005 at 11:06 pm
The extra money that was deposited into our account is Dh's travel expenses from September through November...wow! That's a lot of money...way more than expected! We got a Christmas card from my step-grandmother with a cheque in it for 500.00. It's funny how sometimes money comes in like water! We feel very lucky. Most of it will go into savings, and we will be a little loose with the wallet for the rest of it.
Had a busy weekend at work. Last night Dh and I left ds11 in charge and went for a 45 minute walk while the kids were watching AFV. They all love that show. It's nice to have a little freedom what with ds finishing his babysitting course I don't mind leaving hiim in charge for small amount of time if I'm close by.
I am taking ds for a haircut this afternoon. He's been growing his hair long because all his friends are going that route, but he's tired of it being in his eyes, having to gel it down, blah blah blah, so he wants it cut short which is totally fine by me as I think he looks really cute with shorter hair. I think that'll be the only money that I spend today...
Posted in