Home > Home alone!

Home alone!

September 5th, 2005 at 01:39 am

Yay! I'm home alone! Dh took the kids to his brother's house for dinner and I just got off work and have about 3 hours ALL TO MYSELF! I love being home is so rare. Just the cat and I in a quiet, silent, peaceful house...blissful!

Worked from 8:00am-6:00pm today. On Tuesday I start my new position so if I don't want to work such a long Sunday I don't have to...I get to pretty much choose my own hours and I can't wait!

Didn't spend anything today. I brought breakfast (banana, cereal bar, and yogurt) and lunch (baked potato and leftover pork roast from Friday). I was going to stop and get dinner (either sushi or Chinese food) and treat myself but when I thought over how much I spent last week on school clothes, groceries, and the movie day, I changed my mind and will eat something later if I get hungry. We have leftover roast from last night so that's what I'll eat if I'm going to have something.

Dd9's first major ortho payment is due this month to the tune of $1000.00--after this it's $150.00 every month for the next 17 months...oh, wait! it gets better...ds11 gets his braces on in January and that will be one payment of $1500.00 and $200.00 per month for I don't know how long. Oh well, my parents paid for my teeth and both of them have actually offered to make payments if we need them to. It won't come to that, but it sure was nice of them to offer. We have the money for both major payments, so it's not too big a deal. I just hate emptying out the account when we try so hard to save!

I'm off now to enjoy my quiet time!

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