Home > No Spend Day

No Spend Day

September 14th, 2005 at 04:24 am

Yay for me--no spend day number 4. Only 6 to go and I will be happy, happy, happy...

Dropped my youngest ds off at school. He was excited and happily went in his class. I cried all the way to work--one of my co-workers wiped the mascara smears off my face! Left work at 2:00 to go pick up kids. The kindergarten teacher told me he did great!

My Mom and I are going for breakfast tomorrow and then we'll do a little clothes shopping before I pick ds5 up from kindergarten at 11:10. Mom is buying me my choice of a birthday gift. I'm looking forward to spending some
quiet time with her.

I will have to pick up some groceries tomorrow after lunch. All 3 kids would like sushi for dinner, so we're going to try making some vegetable sushi for dinner... we sometimes pick up pre-made, but this will be fun to make with the kids and waaay cheaper!

Things I did today to save money:
1) Brought breakfast and lunch to work instead of buying it there.
2) Had tea and homemade brownies at home with ds11 instead of going to Starbucks with friend.
3) Will use books ordered from kids' school as Christmas gifts, instead of just letting them have them now.

I'm going to set a goal for myself to make one pre-made mix weekly. I'll hopefully have a cupboard full of mixes by November when I start working 3 nights a week. That will really help with quickie dinners, and dh will be less apt to go for convenience food if I've started the convenience part...

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