Home > girls' day

girls' day

September 19th, 2005 at 09:11 pm

My friend and I dropped off our kids at school, went out for breakfast (we shared an order of eggs benedict!) and clothes shopped for 4 hours. I did not find anything that I wanted to buy but I did decide to return one of the skirts that I bought last week. It's a suede, dark chocolate brown. I can't find shoes that would match it and don't wear a lot of brown or beige, but it looked great on and my Mom persuaded me to get's better in the store than my closet, so Wednesday I will go and return it--good shopping on my part.

I will be picking the kids up from school soon. Laundry's going, brownies and breadsticks are in the oven, roast beef is in the crockpot. Dd has gymnastics after school, and I have a PAC meeting at 7:00. Hopefully, it will be a short one and I can be home by 8:00, and off to bed. I'm feeling much better, but not 100% and I work tomorrow, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday...ooooh!

1 Responses to “girls' day”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    It's so hard when you find something that looks great and then realize that you really have nothing to go with it, so it will end up costing you a lot in "hidden" costs. Plus you end up with less closet space. I've so been there.

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