Home > Long work day...

Long work day...

September 26th, 2005 at 06:54 am

Very long day at work...stuff that should have been sent to me by 3:30, arrived at 8:00...yikes!

Had a no spend day, which was good, because I was really tempted to buy fries and gravy at work to snack on around 4:00. Instead I ate the apple that I had brought from home. I think that's 8 no spend days out of the ten I wanted to have in September, but I'll have to go back through my journal to check.

Came home, warmed up the plate of dinner that dh left in the fridge for me and watched the season premiere of 'Desperate Housewives'. I think that show is so funny!

Things I did to save money today:
1) Took tortillas and grated cheese out of the freezer for dh and kids to have for lunch...otherwise they go buy frozen pizzas at the store. This way they have enough for lunches for tomorrow.
2) Didn't shower this morning...had one late yesterday, so I just washed up and straightened my hair. I have really curly, long hair, so I either have to wash it and let it dry naturally, or straighten it with the hair straightener, otherwise it's a big fuzzball mess.
3) Brought leftovers from last night's dinner to work for lunch.

Tomorrow all three kids have school 8:30-2:30. Dd has an ortho appt at 2:40, and gymnastics at 3:30-5:00. I have a kindergarten parent meeting at 7:00. It's my nephew's birthday. Ds5 has rollerblading so I will help out with that at the school in the morning, after I do some work for the fundraising committee. I should have some time to myself...don't know what I'll do with it, though.

...just checked...and that makes 9 no spend days this more this week and I met my goal. I am proud! And we still have 30.00 left in the grocery envelope, too. Next month I will increase my no spend days, and decrease my grocery money.
We can do this successfully!

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