Home > Sick Day

Sick Day

September 27th, 2005 at 06:24 pm

I was supposed to go to work today but ds11 is home sick. I don't feel good about him being home alone for 6 hours, so I stayed home with him. When I phoned my boss to offer to come in and get work to take home, she told me not to worry about it, apparently I'm not missing too much!
DH went to work at the warehouse position for the day because he has meetings for his other job off and on through the rest of the week. I think that he's starting to enjoy it more...still not a lot of direction and he's confused by it but muddling through. The warehouse job is 6:00-2:30 so he'll be home nice and early. I'm so used to him being gone 10 -12 hours a day with his old job that I am loving this new routine. I feel like we're on vacation!

Took ds5 and dd9 to school this morning and did some fundraising stuff until 9:30. Came home, made tea for the sick boy, got him settled on the couch, and went back to the school to help tie rollerblades for gym class for ds5. They are so cute learning to skate!

Things I did to save money today:
1) Made up the rice for homemade sushi for tonight's dinner...did up extra for lunches for tomorrow.
2) Hung a load of laundry.
So far that's it, but there's still time in the day if I can think of something else to do.

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