December 3rd, 2006 at 03:38 pm
Wow! It's been ages since I've blogged on here...
I have been so super busy at my new job, it has taken me a good 3 months to figure everything out and settle in there. The person who had the job before me, and who didn't have her contract renewed, left things in a big mess. Our office administrator has been spending a good part of her time helping me to sort it all out. She also got a volunteer assistant for me who is unbelievably awesome and does anything that I ask of her.
I sometimes do miss the customers and staff at my old job but I don't miss the hours or the crap that went on there!
The kids are doing well. Report cards come out next week and I've already met with dd's teachers and saw her wonderful report card. Ds (aged 12) is having some difficulties with 'friends' at school and has been in some fights lately. Last week he was involved in a snowball incident which started out innocently enough but he ended up protecting a boy a year younger who had been injured and was laying in the snow crying while 8 other boys slaughtered him with snowballs. Ds stood over him so he wouldn't be hit and got yelled at and taunted by the other kids. He ended up beating up one of the kids who wouldn't stop. I got the story from him, and then a parent, who happened to be at the park, phoned to tell me that I should be really proud of him for how he had handled the situation, all except for the end part where he beat the kid up.
Dh's car died at the beginning of November and we're trying to hold off until January before buying a new one. So far, so good. We've had a few times where we could really use our second vehicle but we're managing. I would really like to just use the money in our emergency fund and not finance anything, but Dh wants more car than we have money for. We'll wait and see who wins this battle, but I'm betting on me!
Good to be back here. I'm enjoying reading everyone's blogs and catching up!
Posted in
daily living
August 30th, 2006 at 06:34 am
We had a wonderful time on our holidays. Ten days of visiting friends, staying in hotels, camping and dining out...it was great! Now it's back to reality.
My new job starts next week. They've been very accomodating with me going part time until the middle of September, as I finish up my old job. My boss at my old job has also been understanding about my diminishing hours, and is happy to get me when she can. I feel less guilty about leaving her because I know I can finish up what I need to before I go. I'm very excited about starting the new position and meeting everyone there that I'll be working with. A lot of the people are volunteers, and that will be something new for me. I am really looking forward to the challenge of a new position. I am fully responsible for my own program, don't really have anyone working for me or anyone to answer to directly. I think I'm going to like this...I really hate beaurocracy and gossip!
We're starting to get the kids back into somewhat of a routine. School starts for them next Tuesday, so early bedtimes are a must in our house right now, as they're all three exhausted from an extremely busy and fun summer.
Posted in
August 16th, 2006 at 03:39 pm
We're leaving on Friday for our 10 day driving vacation. I can't wait...I want to sit by the campfire, shop, visit friends, eat out in restaurants...all without feeling one tiny bit guilty!
We bought a new tent. It's a 7 person one and we found it on sale for $99.00. We are a family of 5, and I didn't want to squish into a borrowed one and ours is REALLY old and hard to put together. We set it up on Monday, and we have spent the last two nights sleeping in it in the front yard because the kids were so excited about it! Our neighbours must think we're crazy.
I start my new job September 5. My last day at my current job is September 16, so I think I'm going to have some crazy busy days coming up, but I don't mind because I know the light is at the end of the tunnel...
Posted in
August 12th, 2006 at 09:48 pm
The kids and I are about to head off for the library. We owe $26.00 (from the last 6 months). This is typical of us as we are constantly leaving books at home when we go. I have no excuse because it is so simple to renew online, but somehow I always miss the date! Aaargh!
I spent the morning tidying up the house, and we'll spend most of the afternoon reading, but a nice lazy day was in order for me...much needed.
Tomorrow we're going on a potluck picnic dinner to the creek nearby with some friends. I'm looking forward to laying on a blanket, chatting, while the kids play nearby--one of my favourite things!
Posted in
daily living
August 9th, 2006 at 08:40 pm
Yes, I did!!! You guys can't see me, but I'm doing a happy dance in our family room.
I went in for the second interview and they offered it to me immediately. I was stunned and am very excited!
Now to tell my manager (and close friend). This is going to be the hard part...
Posted in
August 9th, 2006 at 02:20 pm
Yep, today's the day of the second interview (insert ominous music here)...I am looking forward to having it over with and dealing with their decision when it comes. When I was at work this week helping people make their plans for the upcoming year's events, I kept thinking that I may not be there when their parties are happening. Very wierd thought, as I'm used to seeing the event through from start to finish...things that make you go hmmmm.
Kashi, when is your interivew? I'm sending lots of hugs and good wishes to you. I hope you get your dream job!
Posted in
August 5th, 2006 at 09:55 pm
My first interview went great. The managers conducting the interview were really nice, and the job sounds very interesting and something that would I would have the skills to do well, but would still find challenging. The hours are awesome, totally flexible and I would set my own schedule as I saw fit.
I got called for a second interview the next day and will be going for this on Wednesday. I was feeling guilty about leaving my current job, so I let the General Manager know what was happening. He seemed very surprised that I was considering leaving, told me he didn't want me to go but he certainly understood my position, and told me that a major promotion would be coming my way probably within the year if I could hold out that long. I don't really want the promotion (would entail many hours fixing a department that has been neglected for years--would be like walking into a time bomb and having to defuse it before it blows!), so that certainly didn't convince me in the ways he'd hoped!
We'll have to wait and see, but I'm leaning heavily towards taking the new position if it's offered to me!
Posted in
August 3rd, 2006 at 02:50 pm
I'm not sure why I was looking in the want ads because I love my current job. I've been there for 11 years. Anyways, I was reading through them and found an ad and thought how much fun that job would be. I updated my resume, wrote a cover letter and emailed it all in immediately before I really thought about it. This was on Monday. Yesterday I got a call from the company and today I have job interview at 10:00am!!! I am super nervous and my stomach is in knots. I realize that I have the upper hand here, as I do have a job that I enjoy. The position I'm applying for pays less than the one I currently hold, but it would mean no more evening or weekend work, so I would be home when my kids are. My youngest son starts grade one this year, so although my job has been great because Dh or I were always home with the kids, now that they're all in school during the day I'll miss out on time with them.
I'm rambling here...think it's nerves and trying to just figure out what I'm doing! I'll post how the interview went after I'm done. I wish it was already over with.
Posted in
July 28th, 2006 at 09:52 pm
Well, we were on such a roll with our plan that we decided to keep going. We have now made an additional $79.47 through coupons and phone book deliveries. I opened a separate bank account to put the money in for the mortgage because we can pay a lump sum once a year, so we'll wait until the end of December and dump everything extra down that we've saved for the principal. Our mortgage is up for renewal in March and we can pay some more down then without being penalized.
The other 1/2 of the money is in a special hiding place to use for the vacation we're taking in 3 weeks.
Our goal is to make an additional $400 in August. Half of this will go to the mortgage account and the other half will go to something for the house...we just haven't figured out what yet. Dh asked me to sit down with him this weekend and help make a list of everything I would like to have done in the house and we will pick one thing and get started. I would LOVE to have new kitchen countertops, so that's where my vote will go. I have a feeling that Dh is going to lean towards having the hot tub fixed first. I'll post what we decide!
Posted in
July 26th, 2006 at 08:12 pm
I just returned from the bottle depot and cashed in the cans we found on the road behind our house...$2.60!
Yay! Our journey to $1000 was completed in 22 days...with an additional $1.43--woohoo!
Watch out, August! Here we come!
Posted in
July 25th, 2006 at 03:44 pm
left to go to reach our $1000. Through many phone books being delivered, extra hours at my job, can and bottle returns, searching for coupons to use on stuff I normally buy and actually need, and a few lottery tickets that we were given and won a small amount on, we managed to (almost) reach our goal. Today I'll put in some extra time on the job front and we went can hunting last night, so Dh will cash those in tonight and we'll be there! It's a great feeling knowing that we did this together and I'm VERY proud of my family for completing our goal.
The mortgage will be going DOWN...
Posted in
home finances
July 19th, 2006 at 12:34 am
We delivered more phone books yesterday and today I went into work 2 hours early and made some extra money there. We have made $671.00 in two weeks. Holy macaroni! Dd had a dentist appointment this afternoon, so I took her and Dh went out to deliver more books. I am sure we'll reach our $1000 goal...funny, but when Dh suggested it, I honestly wasn't sure if we'd be able to do it. Surprisingly, it hasn't really been all that difficult.
Yesterday we were delivering books in a very beautiful neighbourhood and Dh told the kids,"This is where the wealthy people live." Well, Ds (aged 12) piped up from the back seat,"Just because they live in big houses doesn't mean that they're rich, Dad. They could just owe lots to the bank and be in debt!" Whew! Out of the mouth of babes...
Posted in
July 17th, 2006 at 04:15 am
Our $1000 challenge is at almost $600!!! We've made that much in 13 days...just goes to show what we can do once we put our minds to it. I am VERY proud of Dh for his dedication to this 'plan'. He's really done the bulk of the work.
What I've noticed with all this is a huge awareness of money that he didn't really seem to have before. Tonight he wanted to go to Dairy Queen and get banana splits. There are 6 of us home today, so that would cost about $24.00. I suggested we go to the grocery store, pick up the items and make them at home, and he was all for it, and the kids and Dh came with me to get what they wanted. We spent 1/2 the amount and will have ice cream, whipped cream, and chocolate sauce left over!
We did lots of relaxing this weekend, went to a friend's house for a bbq last night, and went out for lunch to Boston Pizza, which we had a coupon for and Dh used some of his birthday money to make up the difference.
Can't wait to see what changes this week will bring!
Posted in
July 12th, 2006 at 07:27 pm
Well, we're doing well on Dh's plan. We've done some more phone book delivering, I put in extra hours at work again this week, and we've recycled some pop cans and beer bottles. We have earned $425.18 in 8 days. Our goal is to reach $1000 in 30 days. I think we can make it. Dh is doing a lot of the work. He is extremely dedicated to this project!
Our plan is to put 1/2 down on the mortgage and the other 1/2 will be added to our holiday fund. We will be going to West Edmonton Mall and Drumheller (dinosaur area in Alberta) for about 10 days in August. I already have the holiday money saved, but it wouldn't hurt to have a little extra cushion. We are staying in a hotel in Edmonton and then will camp for the rest of the vacation. We've always just bitten the bullet and stayed in hotels on holidays, but we are committed to saving money and camping will certainly make a big difference.
The kids are going to do a budget with us for our holiday. This is being done to encourage money awareness and because I think it will really help them focus on the activities that they really want to do ie. Do you want to eat dinner in a restaurant or cook something ourselves and go to the waterslides? They need to learn that there is not an endless supply of money to do everything they want. They've already started discussing how much of their own money to take on vacation to spend. Dh and I have agreed to leave that up to them because they have been saving for this trip for awhile, and we haven't heard any outrageous sums being mentioned...yet!
Posted in
July 10th, 2006 at 01:21 am
We held our neighbourhood garage sale yesterday from 9:00-3:00. Dh and I started setting up about 7:30. It was a beautiful sunny day. We had advertised through the local radio station and signs we put up, but did not use the local paper. This was our one mistake and we would definately put an ad in next time.
All our neighbours got involved, we barbequed lunch and then ate dinner together as well. Everyone brought their own meat and we shared potatoes, corn on the cob, carrot sticks and garlic bread. After we ate dinner, we pulled our fire pit to the front of the cul de sac and everyone roasted marshmallows, had a few drinks, listened to music and chatted until about 11:00. It was a fun day and we are thankful to have such great neighbours!
We netted $73.00 on our sale. I was hoping for more, but every little bit is more money to Dh's $1000 Challenge Fund, so I was not terribly disappointed. We would certainly do it again.
There is a new restaurant near our house that we've been waiting for to open and yesterday it did. The kids really wanted to go there for dinner, we've been promising that we would when it opened, and thought tonight would be a great night to go. I was all for it because I'm super tired from yesterday and am having a very mellow day. DH ACTUALLY VETOED GOING OUT FOR DINNER!!! He said to the kids,"Sorry, guys, but we have tons of leftovers in the fridge for side dishes. Mom and I will walk to the store and get pork chops to barbeque."
Who took my husband and replaced him with this money conscious one? Although he's always been a believer in not having debt and saves for stuff if he really wants it, in our 16 years of marriage has never been interested in the finances. I love this new part of him and hope it sticks around!
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daily living,
home finances
July 9th, 2006 at 06:03 am
So Dh's plan to earn an extra $1000.00 this month is just clicking along tickety boo!
July 5--Grocery Coupon--$5.00
July 6--Phone Book Deliveries--$56.65
July 7--Won on a lottery ticket given as a gift--$10.00
July 7--Phone Book Deliveries--$54.45
July 8--Garage Sale--$73.00
We now have $730.90 left to go for the month and together we will have earned an extra grand this month! Woohoo!
Posted in
daily living
July 5th, 2006 at 06:39 pm
Here's where we are with the $1000 plan:
$40.00 delivering phone books
$10.00 in found can money
$20.00 I made putting in extra time at work
...only $930.00 left to go...
Posted in
July 5th, 2006 at 12:08 am
to earn an extra $1000 this month. Yesterday (his day off) he delivered phone books and made 40 dollars, and then found a stash of pop and beer cans which he'll now take in for deposit to add to our fund. Today I worked 2 extra hours, and Saturday we're holding a garage sale.
This is going to be fun and I'm sooo glad that it was Dh who thought of it. Usually he doesn't pay any attention to the finances...when his cash envelope is used up he's done spending, and doesn't really give too much input on the rest of it! He doesn't have plans for the $1000, just wants to see if we can make the challenge.
I'll keep posting on our progress!
Posted in
July 1st, 2006 at 04:25 pm
It's also our Wedding Anniversary...16 years! I met my Dh in high school and we've been together since I was 16. I can't imagine not having him in my life--I feel like he's always been here with me!
I transfered our three months emergency fund money into it's own account. I'd had it in our savings account, but I was starting to get confused because it always looked like we had so much money in there, when, in reality, it really isn't meant to be spent unless Dh or I lose our jobs.
I have enough in our regular savings to pay the $2000 down for ds's braces (to be paid in July) and the $2600 property tax payment that is due by July 4. We have enough left over that I feel comfortable if an emergency comes up, but not so much that I want to go spend, spend, spend. Although, I am thinking about getting new countertops in the kitchen...ours are 80's rose coloured and I'm really tired of them!
Posted in
June 27th, 2006 at 02:34 pm
Our neighbour's cat moved into our house last year. Officially he's ours now. Two days ago we realized he has fleas!!! It's horrible...our six year old has bites everywhere. I spent $80.00 on flea spray for the house, flea collars for both cats, shampoo, and a medicine that goes on the back of their necks to prevent the fleas from coming back. I've been doing laundry endlessly, vacuuming like a mad woman, and then throwing out the vacuum bags. Dh is on holidays with his Dad and brothers, and I'm here dealing with work, kids, and FLEAS!
Actually, I think I feel better now after this rant...back to vacuuming...
Posted in
June 20th, 2006 at 08:00 pm
So far this month I have used the credit card a total of 0 times...my goal for June was to not use the card except for the down payment for ds's braces (because I want the free groceries that come with the use of the card!), and I will pay the card off as soon as I get the bill. Dh has used it twice, both times to eat out, but then had to listen to me gripe at him for awhile, so I don't know how enjoyable the meals actually ended up being. Mad wives are not a good thing to have around!
Ds is home sick today, so I only went to work for a few hours. Unfortunately, I get paid by the hour, so that's a few less bucks on my paycheck this period. Fortunately, this is an extra paycheck month and the money was going into savings anyways, so our budget isn't actually out anything. Can't be helped when the kids aren't well and want Mom.
Dh leaves for Vegas on Sunday. He's going with his Dad and two brothers. Their dad is paying for the flights and hotel stay, so they only need their spending money...very nice. They'll have fun and my plan is to be extremely frugal here while Dh is gone. It bothers me far less than him to not spend anything!
Posted in
June 14th, 2006 at 10:46 pm
Ds's kindergarten class had a cookout today with all the kids and their parents. We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows and had juice, coffee, cookies and watermelon...all free of charge. Best of all, Dh and I picked up a TON of free pre-cut wood that people had brought for the campfires, and then weren't needed because there was way too much. Nobody wanted to take their wood home, and we weren't allowed to leave it there, so we cleared it out! Now we have plenty for our fireplace and our outdoor firepit. Very nice! (one parent handed me the wood that she'd just paid $5 for at the gas station--they have a gas burning fireplace at home and have no use for the wood. I offered her the money, but she declined.)
The money from my savings bond that my Dad cashed in on his trip ended up being $497 US. I'll be exchanging it and I think it's equal to $535 CDN. We would like a large dining room table. Our current one is glass topped and only seats 4. This might be a good use for the money, if I can find one I love.
We are organizing a neighbourhood garage sale for July 8th. I can't wait to make some money and declutter the garage! We are using the money to help fund our summer vacation to West Edmonton Mall and Drumheller...dinosaur bones, here we come!
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
daily living
June 6th, 2006 at 03:23 am
So my Dad just called from New York, where he's visiting relatives. He's cashed in my savings bond that I was given when I was born and it came to almost $500...once I convert this into Canadian funds it will be closer to $600...no small potatoes for my Challenge. I would like to have a plan for this money. It was given to my by my grandparents, who have both passed away, and I don't want to see it engulfed into the general account and frittered away on who knows what!
The problem (???) is that there isn't anything that I really need or want! I guess for now I'll just hold onto it.
Where do you keep your challenge money? I currently have almost $200, and it's in my drawer in a special red envelope!
Posted in
$20 Challenge
May 24th, 2006 at 05:36 pm
My workplace sponsored a motivational day, themed around the "Amazing Race". There were 10 teams of 4, and we had to race through the lower mainland, finding clues, and completing challenges. My team came in last, but I think we had the most fun. There were teams that actually RAN the whole day...we sat and had coffee, enjoyed the views, chatted with people along the way...it was a great day and one of the ones that really makes me appreciate my job!
It was also a no spend day, so I'm adding $1.00 to my challenge money! Dh has agreed to go with the June challenge of not using our credit cards for anything other than the down payment for ds's braces...the $2200 will add up to lots of points for free groceries. I have the $2200 in our EF so it will be paid off at the end of the month, but I want the $22 in free food!
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
home finances
May 21st, 2006 at 04:25 pm
FIL won a roast beef in a meat draw at the club he belongs to and he gave it to us. This is awesome! We have all these guests this weekend,this will be perfect for dinner and I'll have enough left over to make some meals for FIL!
We were passing by a shopping centre yesterday at lunchtime and dh noticed a hot dog stand. We had 4 kids with us, I figured we could all have a hot dog and pop for about $12.00, everyone was hungry, and it would save me having to go home and forage a lunch for everyone. When we walked up to the booth, we find out it's a promotional FREE lunch for one of the stores! Free hot dogs, pop, chips and cake for the 6 of us...and $12.00 added to my challenge money! Yay!
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
home finances
May 20th, 2006 at 03:45 pm
I was at work last night and one of the customers came into my office and offered to buy me a drink for helping him out with something. Since I actually was still working, this would have been totally unacceptable, but he left the $5.00 on my desk, so I could have a drink after work...ha ha ha...that is $5.00 into my challenge money!
Yesterday was a no spend day for me. Add another $1.00 into my challenge money!
Posted in
May 19th, 2006 at 05:09 pm
Yay! It's the May long weekend! I work tonight and tomorrow morning and then not again until Wednesday. On Tuesday, my work is having their own version of the Amazing Race. We're in teams of 4 driving all through the city...should be lots of fun!
We have my two nephews (ages 7 and 10) staying with us this weekend and some friends are coming for a visit for two nights. They live about 3 hours away, so it will be nice to see them...just crowded and loud in the house! Hoping for good, sunny weather so everyone can be outside.
I had a no spend day yesterday. It was about time for one! A regular customer at my work came in the other day and handed me an envelope. I didn't open it until later in the evening. It was a thank you card with $100 bill tucked in it! I don't take tips, although a fair amount of people do try to tip me, but I don't think this can go back to her without offending her. She's 79 years old, and has no family, but lots of friends and people who help her out if she needs it. She said it was a gift for helping her through the year...puts me in a bit of an awkward position. Opinions, anyone?
Posted in
May 17th, 2006 at 05:09 am
I took Ds aged 12 to the orthodontist yesterday...his braces will be going on in about 6 weeks to the tune of...are you ready for this?...six thousand, eight hundred buckaroos! OUCH!
We've signed to pay $2200.00 upfront and $200 a month for the next two years. Fortunately dd's orthodontic payments will be done in February. Yep, could be a tight summer, fall, and early winter around here!
Posted in
May 11th, 2006 at 05:10 pm
While I'm blogging, my six year old son is doing my hair. It's been ponytailed, combed, sprayed with water, and teased with a comb. Good thing I haven't had a shower yet!
My 10 year old niece is currently staying with us as her parents have gone away on a mini holiday. She is a super picky eater, and I was expecting the worse, but she actually eats pretty much whatever I put out, or at least tastes it. My kids were astonished when her mom brought over her school lunch and it consisted of bottled water, a bun (made from white flour, we only eat whole wheat), processed ham slices, a granola bar, and cookies. The older two both said, 'No fruit or veggies!!??'. Anyways, today she packed an apple with it, ate canteloupe for breakfast, and had one of the whole wheat buns for lunch! Yay! Too bad she'll be back to her normal eating routine in a few days when she heads back home!
Posted in
May 10th, 2006 at 05:39 pm
Ds,aged 12, desperately needed new shoes. The poor kid has orthotic inserts (he was dislocating his foot because of the way he walks), and needs really sturdy shoes. His last pair cost $150!!! I was not looking forward to this new bill. However, his feet have grown and he's into a size 7 men's...Yay! No more children's specialty shoes! The pair we bought were on sale from $80 to $44, and then when I took them up to the till, there was an additional $10 off...woohoo! I felt like I won the lottery. o.k., not quite like I won the lottery, but it was a nice surprise!
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