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Vacuum Salesmen...

December 8th, 2005 at 11:32 pm

Dh answered a survey over the phone last week. Don't ask me why because I flat out refuse to answer anything over the phone, but that's another story...Anyways, yesterday we got a phone call from the survey company telling Dh that he'd won a kitchen accessory prize and someone would bring it by between 6:00-7:00pm. Dh said that would be fine. I told him he's nuts. Just before 6:00, we get a phone call from the company saying that someone would be there shortly with our 'prize' and they were going to give us a short presentation on an air filter. Dh said o.k. I told him he's insane. So the guy comes, sits in my house for two hours, demonstrates a vacuum/air filter system, and then proceeds to tell us the cost. Are you sitting down? A WHOPPING $2785.00...for a VACUUM...I immediately said, 'Absolutely not. Will not happen. No way, no how.' Oh, the price dropped to half after that, we don't have to put any money down, we can have little monthly payments, blah, blah, blah...By the end, the kids were starving because they hadn't had dinner, I left the room in frustration, and Dh basically told the guy enough was enough...Anyways, we all had a good laugh while we were eating dinner, and I think Dh is probably convinced to not answer anything over the phone ever again.

3 Responses to “Vacuum Salesmen...”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Wow, two hours? Did you at least get a free gift out of it, or was that just a line?

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Was it a Rainbow vacuum? They are awesome machines, but WAY overpriced. Last summer I tried to sell them for about three weeks. Managed to sell two of them, but finally quit when my manager got very upset with me when I wasn't willing to do a hardsell with a couple whom I knew wasn't interested within the first 10 minutes. The office I worked with had a ploy of going door to door asking people to sign up for a drawing for a $2500 Walmart gift certificate (grand prize - once a year - one person in whole country) or a quarterly prize of a $100 gc. They would call EVERYBODY who signed up and tell them they won a $25 gc, all they needed to do was have someone come over and show them something. I didn't go on any of those - all the people I went to were either people I knew, or people who had been reccomended to me by one of the people I had done a demo for. Someday, if I have more money than I know what to do with, the Rainbow is a vacuum I would like.


  3. Anonymous Says:

    Yep, we got 3 free Ginsu knives...

    It wasn't a Rainbow Vacuum. Actually, he told us all the things wrong with a Rainbow! I don't know what's true and what's not. My sil had someone come to her door to try and sell her a Rainbow and she loved it, but didn't have the money. It was a Tri Star--really nice, but I have waaay more things I'd rather spend $3000.00 on!

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