Home > unexpected money

unexpected money

December 29th, 2005 at 08:24 pm

Dh got a letter today from his old job (he left there in the spring after working there for 15 years) explaining that they are sending him a $1200.00 cheque because when the insurance company they were all paying into was bought out in 1997, there was a huge amount of money that was never handed over to the new company. Now, all the businesses that had their plans there are entitled to a share, and that is subdivided into all the employees that worked there between 1993 and 1997. Wow! How great is that? I LOVE unexpected money!

We had our niece and nephews sleep over last night. It's 1:00 in the afternoon and they're all still here...6 kids between ages 5 and's loud, and the Christmas season is catching up to them...they'll be going home soon (before the fighting starts) and then we're going to have a quiet afternoon and evening. I planned on going to the cheap movies, but there's nothing playing that anyone wants to see, so we'll hold off. The first run theatre near our house charges $12.00 for adults and $8.00 for kids. That would be 48 dollars for two hours (without snacks!).

1 Responses to “unexpected money”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Don't you just love it when money shows up out of the blue! It is like finding 20 dollars in the pocket of a jacket you have not worn in a while! Heck, it feels wonderful!

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