Home > Ho Hum

Ho Hum

February 10th, 2006 at 04:36 pm

Well, it's Friday, and for most people the start of a nice weekend. Me? I start work tonight at 4:00 and will work until Monday afternoon. I hate working all weekend. AND the weather is finally sunny and beautiful..ho hum, ho hum!

I'm still waiting for dh's T-4 slip so that I can do our taxes. I have no idea how much we'll be getting back since this is the year that he left his full time job to go part time, and I started my own contributions to pension and RRSPs...always before they've been done through a spousal RRSP.

Our mortgage term is through in March. We signed a one year closed at year both mortgages will be up at the same time and we'll combine them and have better leverage with bank negotiations.

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